
Resultado de imagen para terremoto en el suelo

Hello, welcome to my blog. On this occasion I'm going to talk to you about something that I think you already know. The Earthquakes and how they can affect the natural environment, particularity the soil in ecosystems.
First of everything, let's define what earthquakes mind. They are caused by an accommodation of the tectonic plates of the Earth, and the consequences of these phenomena depend of the depth to which the accommodation was, being stronger at a lower depth.
 Soil is an indispensable part of all ecosystems on this planet. Soil give the nutrients to plants for growing, give them a physical stability, and give them they water that they need so survive, with that, soil gives  the possibility to live on Earth to all the other species. All of this is caused for one characteristic that makes the soil able to support this living: The texture. The texture is a consequence of millions of years of soil development, and is decisive to designate the species that will live in a zone. But, with the earthquake, the distribution of the soil is reorganized, translocated, making the texture different. The superficial part of the soil are the most important giver of resources, and have the most complicated texture, and with the earthquakes, this part goes down, leaving the superficial soil with a texture that is not optimal for the plants growing.

That is a natural phenomenon, but taking into consideration the little quantity of natural ecosystems that humans had left alive, natural disasters are killer of a really high percentage of natural environments. 


  1. Disturbance as the earthquakes for ecology is very important!


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