Kung Fú

Resultado de imagen para kung fu

Hello! Today I'm going to talk to you about my favourite sport: Kung Fú. I've been practicing it since I was 13, and every day I go trainning I like it more!

I like Kung Fú because  it is a martial art that is about self-disiplin, respect, constancy, companionship, and patience. When we train, we have to be really focus on our muscles and our breathing to get to make the forms correctly, not being thinking on anything else. That makes us get used to putting our full potential in each goal that we set ourselves, in an organized way and with personal commitment.

I also like Kung Fu because it is about the inmense strenght of animals. For example, when we train we imitate the Grulla's balance standing on one leg, the strength of a tiger's claws, the snake's speed, and some others animals' qualities that make us realize about the superiority of natural world. 

Kung Fú has two different trainways, on the one hand we have the forms that includes strength, speed, elongation, patience and concentration workouts; and on the other hand we have the WUSHU part. The WUSHU part includes San Da, that minds literaly free fight. I like more the San Da part because it is about knowing your oponent, his movements, and advance them. It is a balance between speed and strength, and you have to be really, really focus to win a real fight. San Da includes fight on the ground, taken, kicked, punches, defenses, spins, and many other hit techniques. 
Resultado de imagen para animales en el kung fu

To sum up, I like Kung Fú because of what it is about, what it teaches and how the Sihing has teached it to me. Every class and every tournament minds new knowledge for the figthers, and each medal won is not only an achievement, but it is the beginning of a new goal!


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